"*You are crazy, girl*," I then thought to myself. "*This is not sexy subject matter. What's up with that?*"
Then it hit me: people are at their most beautiful and sexy when they're talking about or doing something they love, and about which they are passionate, and for/about which they are proud. So today, when I was feeling kinda tired and cranky and not loving that feeling, I thought to myself "*MrsB! You should make yourself feel better by thinking of things that you're proud of, about yourself! Or maybe you should make a list about things you feel passionately about! Or both!*"
So I decided to do that. And to invite you to do it, too. Here's the first exercise: write up a list of a bunch of stuff about you that you know to be good and true. As in: a list of reasons why you're awesome.
There are no wrong answers. The only rule is: nothing negative. This rule is non-negotiable. It's a hard limit for this little scene you're about to do with yourself. Nothing. Negative. Period. You are not allowed to sneak the words "but" or "even though" into this list. You are not allowed to list things that are conditional.
Go ahead and do that. If, while you're doing it, you encounter something negative you judge yourself to be, wad it up like so much scrap paper and throw it in your mental recycle bin. Just put it right out of your mind.
I think it's a nice thing to do for yourself. Here's my list.
Things about MrsB that are awesome
- I'm wicked smart.
- I'm really good at my job of choice. And I'm good at my job of second choice, which I also do frequently. And I'm good at my job of necessity as well, which I do as necessity dictates. In short, I'm good at the things I get paid to do. And I believe that I would be good at any job I set my mind to.
- My posture is, in general, good.
- I love my belly laugh.
- I like my eyes. I think those are really pretty.
- I'm adorable sometimes, and terrifying sometimes. And sometimes I am both, simultaneously. It's pretty great.
- I love the wrinkles I'm developing on my face.
- I am an incredibly loving and loyal partner.
- I'm a good writer.
- I'm sexier now than I've ever been in my life.
- I care about some things very deeply, and am intensely passionate about them. I used to think this was a weakness, but I've discovered it's one of the best things about me.
- I know how to werk a pair of high heels.
- I like my lips. They're sexy. I do lipstick really, really well.
- My décolletage is hot.
- I excel at orgasms. I love this about myself.
- I have a powerful supervagina.
- I have a good fashion sense.
- I have overcome, in an incredibly gracious way, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in terms of my career, and I am really, truly proud of myself for that.
- My hair is pretty, and it smells nice.
- My skin is really pale and clear with pink undertones, and it's beautiful. I look super when I'm flushed.
- I have excellent taste in men. ;-)
- A few months ago, I had coffee with an old friend from college I hadn't seen in years, and who is immensely successful. She told me that I was a role model for her. That made me feel really happy and proud of myself.
- I'm honest and have a strong sense of ethics.
- I have a good work ethic.
- I give a really good blowjob!
- I'm punctual. That is a thing I'm proud of.
- I have good instincts about people, generally, from a first impression standpoint.
- When I'm wrong, I apologize and try my best to right it.
- I'm forgiving.
- I'm good at empathy.
- I'm good at public speaking.
- I'm organized and make a point of being prepared.
- I have a knack for pronouncing languages.
- I'm good at kinky things - I tie pretty well, am a wicked sadist, and am proud of my bottoming skill set.
- I know I still have so many things to learn and directions in which to grow, and I love that, and welcome the opportunity.
Gosh that felt good! Now, you! I want to know what's awesome about you.
Next time, I'll write about things for which I feel passionately. That's gonna be a fun one.
Next time, I'll write about things for which I feel passionately. That's gonna be a fun one.